New Puppies
Actualité publiée le 26/03/2022
On April 25, 2022, 7 puppies -3 males and 4 females were born in our kennel.
The parents of the puppies are:
dam: BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI - C.I.B, C.I.E, TR., HD-A, ED 0/0, DNA Profile
and sire: JAGO z Chorváta - TR., HD-A/A, DNA Profile
The parents of the puppies are:
dam: BROSZKA z Krainy Przodków FCI - C.I.B, C.I.E, TR., HD-A, ED 0/0, DNA Profile
and sire: JAGO z Chorváta - TR., HD-A/A, DNA Profile